Rev. Tiffany McCall
Rev. Tiffany McCall is passionate about her love for God and the next generation. A graduate of Southern Illinois University of Carbondale with a BS degree in Workforce Education and Curriculum design. She is also a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology and Spiritual Formation. Currently Tiffany is the senior pastor of First United Methodist Church downtown Jacksonville. Rev. McCall is married to Troy McCall and has three beautiful children. She passionately seeks to empower and equip the next generation.
Rev. McCall has an extensive background in leadership. She is a practitioner of Fresh Expression, and participant of Exponential Emerging Leader Cohort of 2019. Rev. McCall has established Pillars Plus Foundation Inc. to connect the church with the community. Currently, Pillars plus foundation is working alongside the leadership of First United Methodist as they implement their vision to the repurposing of their over 12 square ft education building into “Mother's House Student Livingroom’s” this is affordable housing for young adults ages 18 to 24 targeting but not limited to students aging out of foster care. Rev. McCall simply has a knack for building bridges and connecting others to God. She is a disciple maker; her greatest desire is to simple walk in the love of Christ.

Vice President
Katina Johnson
Meet Katina Johnson: A Native Georgian with Impressive Credentials and Interests
Holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Georgia
Holds a Master's degree in Organizational Management from both the University of Georgia and the University of Phoenix
Currently employed by the U.S. Department of Labor
Enjoys family, fishing, food, and giving back to the community

Workforce Development Officer
Haley B.Jones
Haley B. Jones is a native Floridan and grew up in Dade City, FL. She attended Florida Southern College and graduated with BS in Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations & Advertising. She meet her spouse the Reverend Doctor Bruce T. Jones while serving as a Youth Leader at the Warren Willis Youth Camp and has been married for 40 years. Haley is employed at Pine Castle where she is the Community Employment Manager.

Marketing Lead
Maxie Coleman
Maxie Coleman is the Founder and Creative Director of Jacksonville Children’s Theatre (JCT). Two of his greatest passions in life are Mentoring and the Performing Arts. He has an Associates Degree in Film and Video Production from Full Sail University. He also studied at the Commercial Theater Institute in New York City. He has received the Historic Preservation Award from The City of Jacksonville for his editing of the documentary film “We Remember Raines”. He sits on the Advisory Board of the YMCA at Baptist North. Most recently he was nominated for a Jacksonville Image Award in the "INNOVATOR" category with Channel 4 news.
Through JCT, he is mentoring Jacksonville’s youth in the Performing Arts. He believes that stories are tools used to change the hearts of people. You change hearts, you change the world!

Eric Lawerence
Eric Lawrence has 43 years of experience as an Architect & Contractor. He utilizes his knowledge of all aspects of building processes to provide Owners with Project Representation to make the vision a reality. Eric’s passion is to utilize his skills to support God’s Kingdom.

Recording Secretary
Janet Withers
Janet Withers has been involved with nonprofits throughout Northeast Florida, from The St. Augustine Audubon Society, to the Palatka Bread of Life Soup Kitchen, Spring Glen Dinner Church, Historic Friday Musicale, The Arc Jacksonville and now Pillars Plus Foundation. Janet has served in staff, board, and volunteer roles for various nonprofits for almost 25 years. Her recent role is Recording Secretary for the Pillars Board of Directors, and Pillars event volunteer.

Juile Stein
Julie Stein is Director of Program Development for Florida State College at Jacksonville’s Office of Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship. She has 18 years of experience focused on the creation of career education pathways from K12 to college. Julie is passionate about helping all individuals access skills development to build sustainable careers.

Pillars Program Specialist
Theresa Tippins
Theresa Tippins is President and Founder of Tippins Enterprises, Inc., a Social Enterprise Corporation whose mission is to help communities flourish through support services, education and development. Theresa’s desire to launch Tippins Enterprises stemmed from the experiences she encountered as a caregiver for her mother. Theresa has obtained certification in Nonprofit Management from the Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership at Crummer Graduate School of Business, and she currently serves as Board Chair for Presbyterian Social Ministries, Jacksonville, FL.